Add "Digg it" button
Zhou Renjian
2006-09-13 15:58
Example codes are from
<script type="text/javascript">
function _parseDiggURL() {
var _diggURL = ""
_diggURL += encodeURIComponent(location.href);
_diggURL += "&title=";
_diggURL += escape ( "Terracotta for Spring now available") ;
_diggURL += "&bodytext=";
_diggURL += escape ( "<a href="">Terracotta for Spring</a> is a runtime for Spring-based applications that provides high-availability and high performance clustering for Spring applications with zero changes to the application code. Terracotta for Spring provides plug-in capacity, availability and scalability for Spring applications with absolutely no changes to existing code.<br><br>Features:<ul><li>High performance runtime for Spring Applications<li>Cluster Spring Beans, Events, JMX State and Spring WebFlows<li>Virtual memory for large, shared Java heaps<li>Flexible sharing and locking configurable at runtime<li>Cross-JVM Thread coordination (Wait / Notify)<li>Runtime visibility into the application cluster</ul>It can be <a href="">downloaded now</a> with registration.").substring(0,300);
return _diggURL ;