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Web layout design

Author Zhou Renjian Create@ 2005-10-23 10:34
whizz Note icon

1. Support browser without CSS or JavaScript support, such lynx and webTV viewer;
2. Support print preview;
3. Support PDF transforming;
4. Support IE5.5+, FireFox/Mozilla, Opera8+,Netscape(?);
5. Support 640x480 screen and mobile tiny screen(Opera's technologies);
6. HTML4.1 or XHTML1.1 or XHTML1.1 or CSS2.1 Valid;
7. Support different font size(For mozilla's Ctrl+<+> and Ctrl+<->, and those displays with different resolution);
8. Support RSS and semantic web's RDF concept or keyword(dublincore);
9. With different CSS styles or without CSS styles;
10. Design pages in MVC, seperate the model and the presentation;
11. Interaction support;
12. ...
